Who's my rep?
Need to contact us? Below are each of our sales representatives, their contact information, and the geographic area(s) or specialties they cover:
- Key Accounts & MSOs - Steven Glennon steven@highmountainimports.com 901 826 9305
- Central Zone - Teddy Grebenc teddy@highmountainimports.com 720 710 4444 x105
- Western North Zone - Austin Richardson austin@highmountainimports.com 720 710 4444 x104
- Colorado - Corey Prien corey@highmountainimports.com 720 710 4444 x106
- Southwest Zone - Abigail Cadogan abby@highmountainimports.com 815 351 1696
- Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico - Brian Eskenazi orders@highmountainimports.com 720 710 4444
- Custom Branding Sales - custom@highmountainimports.com 720 710 4444
Please use support@highmountainimports.com for any post-order inquiries, including to report damage during shipment, for tracking numbers, or anything else related to a past order.